Monday, May 13, 2013

Blog 13

What was your favorite poem? Your least favorite poem? Why?
My favorite poem was “The Fish” because it reminded me of the times that I went fishing with my dad. 
My least favorite poem was “Ode to a Grecian Urn” because it was really long and hard for me to completely focus on what the purpose of the poem was. 

What was your favorite short story? Your least favorite short story? Why?
My favorite short story was “The Lottery” because it was led you to believe one thing and then at the end it was very unexpected.   It kept your attention and made you think about the characters and why they did this to one another.
My least favorite short story was “Bartleby” because it was really confusing and long.  The character, Bartleby made me feel really uncomfortable and drove me a little crazy at times. 

Should next semester's ENGL150 students read Death of a Salesman?
I don’t have any reason for why next year shouldn't read Death of a Salesman.  I think this was a good play to read and discuss in class because it allowed for many different views of each character and the situations that occurred.  

How did you feel about watching Hollywood versions of Bartleby and Death of a Salesman? Is there utility in seeing a visual version of something you're responsible to read?
I thought it was very helpful to watch the Hollywood versions because it helped clear up any confusion that I felt when just reading the play and short story.  It was nice to see a visual version because you got to witness the emotions and actions that the characters had or did.

What was your favorite in-class activity? What was your least favorite in-class activity?
My favorite in-class activity was when we did the test preps by doing the matching for test and when we created questions for each other. 
My least favorite activity was when we had to talk about the poems.  I don’t feel that I ever really knew what was going on in the poems so I always felt like I was wrong with what I felt the poems were about. 

You'll notice that I didn't have your small groups present (even though the syllabus claimed you would). Did you miss that? Would you have rather that whole-class discussions were led by students doing presentations?
didn't miss having to present.  I think the way we did our small groups was most effective because I felt more comfortable sharing my ideas with a few people rather than the whole class.

Finally, what are your feelings on the creative blog entries? Which entry did you enjoy most? Least?
I felt that the creative blog entries were nice to see what other people thought about what we were doing and it was helpful when studying to see the questions that we created.  The entry that I enjoyed the most was when we created a diary entry for Linda and one of the boys.  The least was the sestina because it was hard to put together the format that we had to follow.