Wednesday, March 6, 2013


Remember to always say please and thank you no matter what the circumstances are. Don’t ever let me catch you with your pants hanging below your butt and your hat cocked to the side.  No one will ever respect or take you seriously when you look like a fool. Always respect the ones around you and give everything your best.  When you are with a girl, treat her with the utmost respect.  Open doors for her, always listen to what she has to say, don’t ignore her, but don’t be clingy. When you do find the women of your dreams make sure to make her day easier.  Pick the kids up from school every once in a while, do the dishes after dinner, and take her out at much as you can.  Work hard to get what you need and never expect to have things handed to you.  Work hard to reach your goals so you can provide for your family.  Have fun when you can, but know when the time to get serious is. When you become successful remember where you came from.  Nobody likes a grown man that acts like a child.  I don’t expect you to be a millionaire, but if you are doing what you love and can support yourself and/or a family, you are always a success.  In the end, be who are and no one else!  


  1. Love the ending. There were good points made that were right on with how boys in my family are taught.

  2. I found myself surprised that this parent was advising the son to have fun. and to do what he loves. I wonder how many parents realize that being responsible for supporting a family AND having fun doing what you love isn't always possible. I can only imagine how many dads are out there right now slogging away in factories and fields, not necessarily having fun but putting food on the table.
